
Sheffield Doc/Fest 2020

Sheffield Doc/Fest 2020


Hallam Doc/Fest Team


Material Bodies

Material Bodies (Dorothy Allen-Pickard, 2020)


Material Bodiesis a short documentary expressing the perspective and experience of a group of people with disabilities and their relationships with their bodies. This is displayed in a very creative and beautiful way. The artistic approach to the documentary is evident in the imagery used and a combination of colour and materials are used to create a very visual representation of what the narrators are describing. Whether they are expressing an emotion they’ve felt or an experience they’ve had, the filmmakers have successfully managed to generate an imaginative and uniquely visual representation, consequently forming a very sensory experience for the viewer.

Not only is there a rich visual quality to the film, but the optimism and uplifting spirit that is carried through the narrators’ attitudes is projected onto the viewer. It highlights that even though these people are amputees and some have prosthetic limbs, their abilities are not limited. It is inspiring to see people embracing their bodies no matter what they have been through or are living with. I think that is what has made this short stand out so much, as well as the undeniably striking artistic qualities that it has. 

Written by Amber Allport